Aged 4 years, 11 months.
April 19, 1947
There was a windmill just east of the pens at the Johnson Place. This was one of my absolute favorite places to play. I made irrigation canals and ran water in little fields. Build dams. Drown ant lions. And ants. And that walking cane in the foreground. I used it all the time. Didn't need a cane to walk at all. Just saw people using canes, thought it was cool walked around with it. Good for poking thickets and scaring up wildlife.
Aged 5 years
May 19, 1947.
Tricycle was for my birthday. Riding a tricycle around the West Texas countryside was not as easy as one might imagine.
Aged 5 years, 1 day.
May 20 1947.
On the front porch of the Johnson Place.
Age 5 years, 1 day
May 20, 1947
Fifth birthday celebration.
Aged 5 years, 1 month.
June 19, 1947.
Tree-hugger to be?? I don't think so.
Aged 5 years, 1 month, 14 days.
July 4, 1947.
With cousin Wanda Kirby aged 5 month 10 days. Location is probably around 5 mile crossing.
Aged 5 years, 2 months.
July 19, 1947
Dog is Suppie.
We liked to read in the box. All cozy. Probably looking at a Sears catalog.
Another picture of Myrtle Low and Judy.
July 27, 1947
Myrtle Low and Judy
July 27, 1947.
Myrtle was a family friend.
Aged 5 years, 2 months, 21 days.
August 9 1947.
Dog is Suppie. It is interesting to note the toys. The blocks made into a cabin, and car?. The tricyle and toy truck and tractor at the left.
Aged 5 years 2 months 24 days
August 12, 1947
Dog is Suppie.
In loading chute in the pens at the Johnson Place.
Aged 5 years, 3 months, 1 day.
August 20, 1947.
With Aunt Pearl. She was dad's sister. She lived in Clovis New Mexico. She brought us a radio that was the only radio we had until I graduated high school.
Aged 5 years, 4 months.
September 19, 1947.
Aged 5 years, 5 months.
October 19, 1947.
With dad.
Aged 5 years, 23 days.
November 11, 1947.
I think the dog is Sunny.
Aged 5 years, 6 months.
November 19, 1947.
Name of hogs is also unknown although they are fine specimens.
Aged 5 years, 6 months.
November 19, 1947.
Name of calf is unknown. I have always got along better with animals than most people.
Aged 5 years, 7 months, 1 day.
December 20, 1947.
The bright spots in the background are light coming through holes in the porch roof.
Aged 5 years, 7 months, 6 days.
December 25, 1947.
With Roy Spinks. One of the most influential people in my life. Roy leased the Johnson Place. We rented the house. He own the live stock etc. He was a very responsible man. Took me with him many times as he worked the livestock and hired dad occasionally. He built some of the best fence of anyone around and much of it is still standing as a testiment to the quality of his work. He is the one that gave me the nickname 'Uncle Wiggily'. Apparently I was a handful sometimes. That is his truck. He did custom hauling as well. Very fine man. Also raised the Hill boy there in Menard. Did a good job.
Aged 5 years, 7 months, 7 days.
December 26, 1947
Tom Sissel, C.P. Sissel, Aunt Daisy Sissel, Marie Sissel and me. Aunt Daisy is mother's mother's sister from back in east Texas. That is my grandmother on mom's side's sister. Grandmother Kirby's name was Nanoni.
Aged 5 years, 7 months, 9 days.
December 28, 1947.
Taken by Nick Pearse's Print Shop where the Menard News is printed. Across from the Menard Church of Christ.
Aged 5 years, 8 months, 2 days.
January 21, 1948. At Johnson place. The wagon figured prominately in my activities at that time.
Aged 5 years, 9 months.
February 19, 1948.
On porch of house at Johnson Place. Door is into kitchen.
Aged 5 years, 10 months, 2 days.
March 21, 1948.
Just after church. Child appears to have attitude.
Aged 5 years, 10 moonths, 16 days.
April 4, 1948.
After church in front of Menard Elementry School. Actual this part of the school is for Junior High.
Now with me facing the camera.
Aged 5 years, 10 months, 16 daays.
April 4, 1948.
Aged 5 years, 11 months.
April 19, 1948
In fornt yard of the Johnson Place. Garage is in the background. The tree in the upper right corner of the picture is still there. The house, garage, barn and pens are gone. I think the tree on the left is still there also.
Aged 5 years, 11 months.
April 19, 1948
Aged 5 years, 11 months.
April 19, 1948
On porch at Johnson Place.
Aged 5 years, 11 months, 27 days.
May 16, 1948.
With dad at the Johnson Place.
Aged 6 years.
May 19, 1948
Birthday, another view.
Aged 6 years.
May 19, 1948
Birthday celebrated at home on the Johnson Place. Candle holders apper to be a variety of African animals.
aged 6 years, 1 month, 1 day.
June 20, 1948.
At side of house at Johnson Place. On the way to church I suppose.
Aged 6 years 2 months.
July 19, 1948.
I appear to have tan lines on my shoulders. Johnson Place
Aged 6 years 2 months, 20 days.
August 8 1948.
two days after mom's birthday.
In front of elementry school after church. Yes, women wore gloves and hats to church in those days. Deal with it.
Aged 6 years, 3 months 18 days
September 6, 1948.
First day I went to school. I still remember the smell of those cigar boxes. I loved it.
Age 6 years, 4 months, 24 days
October 13, 1948
School bus has just dropped me off from school. Dog is Suppie.
Aged 6 years, 4 months, 25 days
October 14, 1948.
Bus is coming to pick me up in the morning before school. Bus is coming from the direction of 4 mile crossing west of town. Dog is Suppie.
November 11, 1948.
First grade class. Looks like we have all indians here. From back - Cecil Collier, Unknown girl, Karen Brace, unknown boy, Joe Speck, teacher Mrs. Hilley, Sam Short, Nancy Frazier, Mary Jane Doll, unknown boy, Max Surber.
Aged 6 year, 7 months.
December 19, 1948.
Getting our Christmas tree. We were getting one of the local cedars there on the Johnson Place. It was on the hill above the irrigation ditch.
Aged 6 years, 7 months.
December 19, 1948 in the afternoon.
Aged 6 years, 8 months, 12 days.
January 31, 1949.
We are at the Johnson Place. Note the garage at the right and the windmill in the background. I played a lot at the windmill. Mud and all.
Carolyn Williamson School p[icture
First squeeze
February 1949
My First Grade Teacher
Mrs. Rubye Hilley.
First Grade School picture
February 1949
Aged 6 years, 9 months
February 19, 1949.
Would appear to be a picture of me on a tricycle. At Johnson Place.
Aged 6 years, 10 months.
March 19, 1949.
This old tree by the slough in the Johnson place had a long low hanging limb that was positioned just right for riding and bouncing on. I went there a lot. Note the hat behind me on the tree fork. For many years after we moved away that limb remained that way. When dad worked on the irrigation canal I would go by and viist the tree and bounce on the old limb.
Aged 6 years, 11 months, 7 days.
April 26, 1949
Johnson Place. Belt and suspenders. Check the creases in the pants.
Aged 6 years, 11 months, 20 days.
May 9, 1949.
First grade class.
Front row - J. R. Sparks, William 'Duck' Menzies, Orville Wright??, Sam Short, Patrick Higgins, Carylon Williamson, Chapman boy???, Donald Roberts.
Second Row - Sandra Sue Smith, Mike Wheeler, Dephane Wilkerson, Harvey Ray Low, Mary Jane Doll, unknown boy, Jim Bob Hodges.
Third row - Sydney 'skunk' Flutch, Scott Waddell, unknown girl, unknown girl, teacher Mrs Hilley, Nancy Frazier, Sie Rhea Ellis, Gayla Miller.
Aged 7 years.
May 19, 1949.
Child does not appear to be birthday happy. Cake also appears to be heavy.
At the Johnson Place. Note hammock in tree in the background. Tree is still there.