
Beartooth Highway

The Beartooth Highway was initially built in the 1930's in part to provide work for people during the depression. It is worth a visit to Google to read the history of this road. Also take a look at it in Google maps. Ground level photographs just cannot capture how wild this road is. While the two terminus cities, Cooke City and Red Lodge are in Montana, most of the road is in Wyoming. I have been there in the "spring", in June and a guy was paraskiing the abundant snow. Videos of the snow clearing operations from April through May of each year are posted on the web. Their idea of snow removal is only distantly related to the snow removal efforts here around Washington. I have been here in the early spring (late May, early June) and that was before the flowers were even sprouting. And I was here this time in September after vegetation was starting to go dormant. I hope some time I can be here during the sweet spot when the alpine flowers are in bloom and more wildlife is out.