The pictures are generally taken with a macro lens. Most are lit by at least one flash. Generally the flash is modified with some color gel. All pictures are of common objects photographed out of context in some way. None are photoshopped.
Oh, and that thumbnail picture. Square toothpicks, butt end.
Light Painting-Fairy Lights
Fairy Lights, normally used as deocrative elements for festive occasions, are excellent tools in light painting. They come in a variety of colors and packages suitable for photographing.
Details of our money. Macro photographs of little noticed features of the money we handle every day.
Some macro pictures of a variety of pasta. Various flash lighting and gels were used to get the effects.
Seeds - Just plain old seeds.
Some macro pictures of a variety of seeds. (From the bulk containers in Wegman's)
Light Painting-Patterns in Smoke
Smoke Patterns here were created with simple incense sticks. Smoke was flashed and then enhanced in Lightroom to maximize contrast. Some pictures were converted to negatives.